Allied Irish Bank (GB)
Phone: +44 (0)845 600 5204 , +44 (0)1895 27 22 22, 0845 600 5204
Email: ibbuk.customer.support@aib.ie
If you are required to transmit batches of payments at any one time then Allied Irish Bank (GB) can sponsor you as a user of the BACS Direct service. The service provides you with a direct electronic link to BACS so that you can process high volumes of transactions simply and efficiently. If you will be processing l...
How Direct Debit works:
Your customer signs an instruction to their bank or Building Society giving you (as the Bacs Service User) the authority to collect varying amounts from their account as long as you have given the customer advance notice of the collection and also advise them of any future changes.
iBusiness Banking (iBB), the internet-based payments and cash management system from Allied Irish Bank (GB), has been developed to make routine business banking more efficient; saving you time and money.
iBB is straightforward and easy to use. As an iBB customer you can monitor the daily cash flow of your busine...
Account Overview:
-View balances and transactions:You can view balances and transactions on your personal accounts, credit card and Asset Finance accounts.
-Quick Pay:Quick Pay allows you to transfer money or pay a bill to your accounts in one step. The Quick Pay option is located at the top right of the 'accoun...
You can access Phoneline Banking via your telephone from any touch-tone telephone.
If you do not have a touch-tone telephone you should find a switch on your telephone to make it compatible or alternatively check with your telephone service provider:
-Balance enquiry
-Recent transactions
-Pending transactio...
Virtual Account Manager (VAM) is the latest addition to the Allied Irish Bank (GB)'s iBusiness Banking cash management system.
VAM allows you to administer client and third party funds from your desktop PC.
Using VAM you can:
--Open and close accounts.
--Mangage multiple customer accounts using a single 'Poole...