Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Phone: +44 (0)1733 232030
Switch business bank accounts to Lloyds TSB
Moving your account to Lloyds TSB is much easier than you would expect. We understand how daunting changing banks can be. Even if you are unhappy with your current bank, you may not want the added hassle of switching. That’s why we’ll give you a named contact within a team dedicated to managing your change over, leaving you free to concentrate on your business plus 6 months’ free day-to-day business banking.
-Smooth move guaranteed or £50 back.
-6 months' free day-to-day banking.
-A contact who will manage your move.
-re-direction of all standing orders and direct debits
-transfer of your old balance to your Lloyds TSB account
-closure of your old account.
-6 months' free day-to-day banking.
-A contact who will manage your move.
-re-direction of all standing orders and direct debits
-transfer of your old balance to your Lloyds TSB account
-closure of your old account.
o apply online for a business account from Lloyds TSB you will need to confirm the following:
-You are a sole trader, partner, or director
-You are aged 18 or over
-You require the account for business use
-You are a sole trader, partner, or director
-You are aged 18 or over
-You require the account for business use
Supporting Documents
Before you apply you will need to have the following information available:
-Contact details for you and your business
-Personal details of your partners/directors if applicable
-Contact details for you and your business
-Personal details of your partners/directors if applicable