Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
Phone: +44 (0)1733 232030
Junior Cash ISA
A simple way to build savings that will come of age with your child. Open with just £1 and because it's an ISA your child won't pay any tax on the interest they earn.
-Earn a variable rate of 3.00% tax free/AER from £1.
-View Junior Cash ISA account interest rates.
-You can save up to £3,600 in this tax year (less any money deposited in a junior stocks and shares ISA in the same tax year).
-Deposits can be made by anyone (annual junior ISA limits apply) and are treated as a gift to the child. No withdrawals can be made until the account matures.
-Once the child reaches 18, the account will mature into an adult cash ISA.
-Junior Cash ISA is for children under 18 who do not hold or were entitled to hold a Child Trust Fund.
-View Junior Cash ISA account interest rates.
-You can save up to £3,600 in this tax year (less any money deposited in a junior stocks and shares ISA in the same tax year).
-Deposits can be made by anyone (annual junior ISA limits apply) and are treated as a gift to the child. No withdrawals can be made until the account matures.
-Once the child reaches 18, the account will mature into an adult cash ISA.
-Junior Cash ISA is for children under 18 who do not hold or were entitled to hold a Child Trust Fund.
Interest Rate
3.00 AER