Santander UK plc
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Direct ISA Saver Issue 4
When it comes to savings and investments, everyone's situation is different. We offer a wide range of options including savings accounts with instant access, a fixed rate, index linked and a choice of tax free cash ISAs.
Interest Rate
£1 - £9,999 0.50% AER
£10,000+ 1.50% AER
£10,000+ 1.50% AER
Be a UK resident aged 16 or over.
Have your National Insurance number to hand.
Have your National Insurance number to hand.
Pays 0.50% AER Tax free (variable) for balances below £10,000 and 1.50% AER Tax free (variable) is earned for balances from £10,000
Rate is variable for 12 months, thereafter the account will earn a variable rate, currently paying from 0.50% AER tax free (variable)
Save up to the annual cash ISA limit. Plus Transfer in your existing cash ISAs.
Rate is variable for 12 months, thereafter the account will earn a variable rate, currently paying from 0.50% AER tax free (variable)
Save up to the annual cash ISA limit. Plus Transfer in your existing cash ISAs.