Reliance Bank Limited
Phone: +44 (0) 20 73985400
Fax: +44 (0) 20 73985401
Email: info@reliancebankltd.com
Young Saver's Accounts
If, as a parent, you give your child a gift of money that produces more than £100 gross interest a year, the income will normally be taxed as yours.
For children under the age of seven, the account is managed by the parent or guardian. If you decide after their 7th birthday you wish to transfer the account to their sole name you must request this in writing.
For children under the age of seven, the account is managed by the parent or guardian. If you decide after their 7th birthday you wish to transfer the account to their sole name you must request this in writing.
Online Banking.
Interest Rate
2.00% gross*
If, as a parent, you give your child a gift of money that produces more than £100 gross interest a year, the income will normally be taxed as yours.
For children under the age of seven, the account is managed by the parent or guardian. If you decide after their 7th birthday you wish to transfer the account to their sole name you must request this in writing.
Attractive interest rate 2.00% gross*
Interest paid annually on 31 March
Open with just £1
Instant access
Statements every 6 months
Gift voucher for the value of £10.00, when opening your account
Birthday card
Maximum investment £10,000
Online Banking
It is never too early to start a child's savings account.....Help them save for their future.
For children under the age of seven, the account is managed by the parent or guardian. If you decide after their 7th birthday you wish to transfer the account to their sole name you must request this in writing.
Attractive interest rate 2.00% gross*
Interest paid annually on 31 March
Open with just £1
Instant access
Statements every 6 months
Gift voucher for the value of £10.00, when opening your account
Birthday card
Maximum investment £10,000
Online Banking
It is never too early to start a child's savings account.....Help them save for their future.