Virgin Money
Phone: +44 1268 443 956, 0845 607 6991
Email: info@virginmoney.com
If you’re looking for a savings account, a Virgin Money Cash ISA may be your first port of call. Quite simply, as you don’t pay tax on the interest you earn, it’s a great way to make the most of your savings.
Our Virgin Easy Access Cash E-ISA gives you tax-free variable interest together with no-notice, charge-free access to your money. You can only subscribe to one Cash ISA per tax year, up to the current annual subscription limit of £5,760. You can also transfer money from existing Cash ISAs to us.
Our Virgin Fixed Rate Bond offers a fixed rate of interest so you know exactly how much you’ll earn during the fixed term.
Our Virgin Fixed Rate Cash E-ISA offers tax-free savings with a fixed interest rate throughout the term of the account. You can only subscribe to one Cash ISA per tax year, up to the current annual subscription limit of £5,760. You can also transfer from existing Cash ISAs.
Our Young Saver can be opened for any child from birth to the age of 16 and is a great way to save for the future.