Islamic Bank of Britain

Islamic Bank of Britain PLC

Phone: +44 (0)845 6060 786
Fax: +44 (0)121 452 7205

Islamic Current Account

We use the Islamic principle of qard for our current accounts. A qard is an ethical loan, free of any benefit. In essence, it means that your current account is a loan to the bank, which is used by the bank for investment and other purposes.
Obviously it has to be paid back to you, in full, on demand. It allows you the peace of mind of depositing your money in a bank, with the additional reassurance that Islamic Bank of Britain is not investing your money in activities that contravene Sharia principles.
Over the age of 16
-Interest-free bank account: receive no interest, pay no interest
Debit card and cheque book (subject to status)
Funds deposited will be administered in accordance with Sharia principles
International payments
Automatic access to your account via our automated telephone banking service 24/7 or online


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