Islamic Bank of Britain

Islamic Bank of Britain PLC

Phone: +44 (0)845 6060 786
Fax: +44 (0)121 452 7205
Investment Services
-The Discretionary Portfolio Service (DPS) is provided by SMARTfund Administration Ltd and accredited by Islamic Bank of Britain plc. (IBB). The DPS provides access to a series of investment portfolios which aim to generate profit from your wealth in a Sharia compliant and ethical way. The investment portfolios ca...
Zakat service
-For Muslims, Zakat is a Divine injunction and an ordinance from Allah himself. It is not a form of voluntary charity, alms giving or tax. Zakat is indispensable as it helps achieve reform, both financially and spiritually. It eliminates misery and greed from hearts and consolidates the economy, leading to its stabi...