Ahli United Bank PLC
Phone: (44) 20 7487 6500
Fax: (44) 20 7487 6808
Email: info.aubuk@ahliunited.com
Savings Account
When you save with Ahli United Bank, your money is in good hands. You benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience we have gained over the years in looking after our customers’ needs.
•No set-up fee
• Higher interest on your savings, calculated daily and paid twice each year (in June and December)
• A free debit card
• Your CPR card and any other ID
• BD 100 initial deposit
• For expatriates, your passport showing the residence permit
• Higher interest on your savings, calculated daily and paid twice each year (in June and December)
• A free debit card
• Your CPR card and any other ID
• BD 100 initial deposit
• For expatriates, your passport showing the residence permit