Metro Bank PLC
Phone: +44 20 3402 8312, 0345 08 08 500, +44 20 3402 8285
Business Fixed Term Deposit Account
The Business Fixed Term Deposit Account is designed for businesses and business Customers wishing to maximise the interest earned on their deposits.
-You must have a Metro Bank Business Current Account or our Instant Access Deposit Account
-The fixed term ends the day before the relevant anniversary of the date of your deposit. For example, if you opened a 12 month fixed term deposit on 1 November 2012, your deposits would be repaid on 31 October 2013
-If the term ends over a weekend or on a bank or public holiday, the repayment date for your deposit will be the immediately preceding banking weekday
-If you think you may need access to your money during this term, please consider the Metro Bank Business Instant Access Deposit Account from which withdrawals can be made. Please download and read full details for this product below.