Kingdom Bank

Kingdom Bank Ltd

Phone: +44 (0) 115 921 7250
Fax: +44 (0)115 921 7251

Base Rate Tracker

This account offers a variable interest rate that tracks the Bank of England base rate. The account pays an interest rate of up to 0.25% above the Bank of England base rate.
-Tax free savings account for personal customers
-Low risk savings where your capital remains intact and the interest rate always tracks changes in the base rate
-Interest is payable from date of receipt of all deposits, calculated on a daily basis and added to the account on 5th April annually
-Deposits by post, standing order or internet banking at any time
-Transfers of ISAs from other providers are welcomed
-Minimum balance £1
-Withdrawals of up to £3,000 are allowed in any 35-day period Withdrawals in excess of £3,000 require 35 days notice
Payments can be made by bank transfer or cheque
-A statement will be issued every three months
-Operated within HM Revenue and Customs rules


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