Cater Allen

Cater Allen Private Bank

Phone: +44 114 228 2407, +44 1908 345 930

Cash Hub Account

he Cater Allen Cash Hub Account is an innovative transactional cash account which sits at the heart of your client’s portfolio and facilitates the management of your clients' cash asset, increasing transparency and helping to build the sphere of influence you have as their adviser.
-One central hub for cash collection and disbursements
-Facilitates seamless and transparent payment of advice fees
-Simplifies and expedites implementation of client instructions
-Provides 24/7 visibility of the idle cash element of the client's portfolio
-Helps build a deeper and ultimately more binding client relationship
-No cross-sell guarantee
-No monthly charge or transactional fees and no requirement for a minimum balance to be maintained on the account (please note however that a deposit of £2,500 is required to open the account)
-Interest paid to the client monthly on account balances of £2,500 or more at a rate of 1.00% gross p.a./AER (variable)*
current account


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