The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Phone: +44 131 549 8888,+44 118 963 9698,+44 8457 121 121
Activity Alerts
With Activity Alerts you’ll receive a text whenever certain activities take place on your account. This means you can keep track of certain changes to your account without having to call, visit a branch or log in to online banking. They’ll also provide you with increased security because you’ll know if something unexpected happens.
They'll send you an Activity Alert as confirmation whenever you:
-create or amend a payee - either a UK individual or company
-create or amend a standing order
-update your address or telephone details
-are issued with a new debit/cash card or PIN.
They'll send you an Activity Alert as confirmation whenever you:
-create or amend a payee - either a UK individual or company
-create or amend a standing order
-update your address or telephone details
-are issued with a new debit/cash card or PIN.