Barclays Bank
Phone: +44 247 684 2063
Email: internetsecurity@barclays.co.uk
Euro Accounts
When you’re doing business overseas it can pay to keep foreign payments in the currency they were made in. We have a range of accounts in euros, US dollars and many other currencies that can be beneficial if exchange rates fluctuate.
You can choose an account that gives you easy access to your funds or one that enables you to benefit from investing over a long period.
You can choose an account that gives you easy access to your funds or one that enables you to benefit from investing over a long period.
-Use a single account to handle all your euro transactions
-Enjoy access to services provided through our branch network
-Allows matching of euro receipts and payments
-No minimum or maximum balance
-Chequebook available on request
-Electronic credits, cheques and drafts are accepted in any currency and converted as necessary
-Enjoy access to services provided through our branch network
-Allows matching of euro receipts and payments
-No minimum or maximum balance
-Chequebook available on request
-Electronic credits, cheques and drafts are accepted in any currency and converted as necessary
Euro Accounts