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Vision Tax Exempt Savings Plan
Did you know the government gives you a tax exempt savings allowance in addition to your ISA allowance? If you’re a UK resident aged between 16 and 74 you can save £25 a month into a plan like Vision.
Any child under the age of 16.
University fees or a holiday of a lifetime - it’s up to you.
If you’re interested in saving for your family’s future, Vision could be just what you’re looking for. Perhaps you’re thinking about savings towards university fees or a deposit for your child’s first home. Or, after 10 years, you could use the lump sum to help you buy a new car or improve your own home.
Vision isn’t a normal savings plan, it offers you tax exempt savings. You can save £25 a month this way. And it’s great for children’s savings as well.
It’s a friendly society, tax exempt regular savings plan
You can save £25 per month
You can invest in the Engage Mutual With Profit Sub Fund for 10 years
Any investment growth in the plan is tax free – so long as it runs for at least 10 years
It's available to UK residents aged 16 - 74
Life cover is included – and there's no medical required
We guarantee to pay you back at least what you have paid in as explained below.
The Tax treatment of the Vision TESP may change in the future.
There are a few important things to bear in mind about the guarantee. You’ll get a guaranteed minimum tax free lump sum as long as you’ve paid all the premiums due, the plan has reached the end of the premium payment term and you cash your plan within 28 days after the end of the payment term.
It’s also important to be aware that if you close your plan outside of the guarantee period, you could get back less than you paid in, and if you cash in before you pay 1 year’s premiums you won’t get anything at all. Remember, the tax treatment of the plan could change in the future.
Fees and charges apply and are detailed in Important Information. We recommend that you read the Important Information in the next Tab.
If you’re interested in saving for your family’s future, Vision could be just what you’re looking for. Perhaps you’re thinking about savings towards university fees or a deposit for your child’s first home. Or, after 10 years, you could use the lump sum to help you buy a new car or improve your own home.
Vision isn’t a normal savings plan, it offers you tax exempt savings. You can save £25 a month this way. And it’s great for children’s savings as well.
It’s a friendly society, tax exempt regular savings plan
You can save £25 per month
You can invest in the Engage Mutual With Profit Sub Fund for 10 years
Any investment growth in the plan is tax free – so long as it runs for at least 10 years
It's available to UK residents aged 16 - 74
Life cover is included – and there's no medical required
We guarantee to pay you back at least what you have paid in as explained below.
The Tax treatment of the Vision TESP may change in the future.
There are a few important things to bear in mind about the guarantee. You’ll get a guaranteed minimum tax free lump sum as long as you’ve paid all the premiums due, the plan has reached the end of the premium payment term and you cash your plan within 28 days after the end of the payment term.
It’s also important to be aware that if you close your plan outside of the guarantee period, you could get back less than you paid in, and if you cash in before you pay 1 year’s premiums you won’t get anything at all. Remember, the tax treatment of the plan could change in the future.
Fees and charges apply and are detailed in Important Information. We recommend that you read the Important Information in the next Tab.