Punjab National Bank (International) Limited
Head Office
Known As
Punjab National Bank (International) Limited (PNBIL)was incorporated in UK on 13th April 2006 and registered with the Companies House in England & Wales under No. 5781326. PNBIL was Authorised by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) on 13th April 2007 (Baisakhi Day and exactly 116 years after PNB was incorporated) to conduct Banking Business in UK under Registration No. 459701. Complete details of the Authorisation are available at the FSA website. PNBIL is the wholly owned subsidiary of Punjab National Bank(PNB), India. PNB is the third largest bank in India having more than 63 million customers and a network of over 5100 branches. All these branches are connected on Core banking Solution and providing anywhere, anytime banking service accros the length and breadth of the country. Today PNB provides tech - enabled banking services in India. PNBIL derives technology and banking support from this great strong institution in India.