First Direct
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Email: 24hours@firstdirect.com
Everyday e-Saver Account
Savings couldn't be simpler than with our versatile Everyday e-Saver. Whether you're saving up for the latest gadget, a brand new wardrobe or just a rainy day, you can start saving from just £1, and you always have the option of instant, no-strings online access to your money whenever you like - making it perfect for combining with our sweep facility to help you save.
At the end of the bonus interest rate period, your account will automatically revert to standard rates and your account number will remain the same. Your bonus is calculated on a daily basis on the money in your account above your 'Starting Balance' and will be paid into your account monthly, on the same date as your normal interest payments are received. The balance on your account is rounded down to the nearest £1 to calculate the 'Starting Balance' (e.g. if your balance as at the previous working day was £1,511.65, your starting balance for bonus interest will be £1,511). If your balance falls below your 'Starting Balance', no bonus interest will be earned until your balance goes over this amount again. The 'Starting Balance' is calculated as the balance of your account at the calendar day before you start to earn bonus interest.