First Direct
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Email: 24hours@firstdirect.com
Regular Saver Account
We've designed our Regular Saver for medium-term savers - perfect if you're saving up for something special, like a holiday or home improvements. It offers a fantastic 6.00% AER (gross 6.00% pa), and you can save £25 to £300 per month for a fixed term of 12 months – up to a maximum of £3,600 each year.
Minimum Balance
-with our Regular Saver Account - save from a minimum of £25 up to a maximum of £300 each month, up to £3,600 per year during the 12 month fixed term
-6.00% AER (gross 6.00% pa) fixed for 12 months
-if you saved £300 per month for 12 months, you'd receive returns of approximately £117 gross (£93 net) in interest after 12 months. Interest is calculated daily and paid on the 12 month anniversary after account opening
-if you don't make the maximum subscription in any one month, just carry it forward to future months
-no partial withdrawals. If the account is closed before the end of the fixed period, interest will be paid at the standard Savings Account variable rate.
-6.00% AER (gross 6.00% pa) fixed for 12 months
-if you saved £300 per month for 12 months, you'd receive returns of approximately £117 gross (£93 net) in interest after 12 months. Interest is calculated daily and paid on the 12 month anniversary after account opening
-if you don't make the maximum subscription in any one month, just carry it forward to future months
-no partial withdrawals. If the account is closed before the end of the fixed period, interest will be paid at the standard Savings Account variable rate.