First Direct
Phone: 0800 24 24 24, 08 456 100 100 (Local), +44 113 234 5678 (Int)
Email: 24hours@firstdirect.com
Fixed Rate Savings
If you have a lump sum you'd like to save for a large purchase - a house deposit perhaps, or a maybe a dream wedding - wouldn't it be great to sit back and relax, knowing what rate your savings are earning in advance? Well, our Fixed Rate Savings offers a rate of 1.80% AER (1.80% gross pa) on lump sum balances of between £2,000 and £1 million over a fixed term. We'll pay your interest in full at the end of the fixed term
-you can save lump sums of between £2,000 and £1 million
-you can have more than one Fixed Rate Savings per person
-fixed interest rate of 1.80% AER (1.80% gross p.a.)
-know exactly how much interest you'll earn over the fixed term
-no partial withdrawals allowed
-depending on when the withdrawal is made, you may get back less than originally invested.
-you can have more than one Fixed Rate Savings per person
-fixed interest rate of 1.80% AER (1.80% gross p.a.)
-know exactly how much interest you'll earn over the fixed term
-no partial withdrawals allowed
-depending on when the withdrawal is made, you may get back less than originally invested.