Scottish Widows Bank PLC
Phone: +44 0845 767 8910
E-Cash ISA
The Scottish Widows Bank E-Cash ISA gives you everything you would want from a savings account and more — quick access and all the interest you earn on your savings is tax free.
Interest Rate
1.30% AER
Minimum Balance
Cash ISA limit is £5,760 for all investors aged 16 and over
-Tax free savings
-Operated via Internet Banking – you can manage your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
-Minimum balance just £10
-Cash ISA limit is £5,760 for all investors aged 16 and over
-Cash ISA limit was raised from £5,640 to £5,760 from 6 April 2013 for all investors aged 16 and over
-You can transfer your Cash ISA from another ISA provider by completing the application form and Cash ISA transfer instruction formopens a new window PDF 45k
-Telephone access to customer service staff from 8am until 6pm weekdays (from 10am Wednesdays) - phone on 0845 845 0829
-No hidden costs or charges
-Operated via Internet Banking – you can manage your account 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
-Minimum balance just £10
-Cash ISA limit is £5,760 for all investors aged 16 and over
-Cash ISA limit was raised from £5,640 to £5,760 from 6 April 2013 for all investors aged 16 and over
-You can transfer your Cash ISA from another ISA provider by completing the application form and Cash ISA transfer instruction formopens a new window PDF 45k
-Telephone access to customer service staff from 8am until 6pm weekdays (from 10am Wednesdays) - phone on 0845 845 0829
-No hidden costs or charges